After exchange

Things to do after the exchange.

Table of contents

Return flight and customs regulations

Remember to check the baggage regulations (weight limits, safety regulations) for your return flight from the website of your airline company.

You are allowed to import an unrestricted amount of products acquired in another EU member state for your personal use. If you are returning from a non-EU country, an air or sea passenger can import other products duty-free and tax-free only for a certain amount of euros. The maximum limit in other traffic is different. There are also additional restrictions concerning certain products (e.g. tobacco products, medicines) that apply when returning both from an EU member state and from outside the EU. 

More information: Finnish Customs

Re-entry orientation

The International Office organises a re-entry orientation twice a year. There you will receive information regarding re-entry practicalities and have a possibility to share your experiences with other students who have studied/worked abroad. The invitation to the event will be sent to you by e-mail.

Update your CV

Employers value such attributes in an employee which often can be attained during a study abroad period. Some of these attributes include co-operation and communication skills, problem-solving abilities, adaptability, persistence, self-knowledge and self-confidence, tolerance, networking abilities, language skills, ability to work with people from different backgrounds etc.

Remember to update your new skills and attributes in your CV and in your job application.

Recruitment of new exchange students and tutoring

You are the best spokesperson for your host university. In order to send students abroad also in years to come, we hope that you are available when new students are looking for information on host universities. For example, during the JYU international weeks and a pre-departure orientation, former exchange students have a chance to tell about their own exchange experiences.

Moreover, new international students of the University of Jyväskylä need guidance at the beginning of the semesters, and their student tutors are often former exchange students.

Tutors are recruited in February-March. Those selected to become tutors during the autumn semester begin their tasks either in August or September. The student tutors for the spring semester are chosen among those who have worked as tutors during the autumn semester. More information about tutoring international students:

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