Internationalisation at home

Internationalisation skills needed in working life can also be developed on your own campus and city. For example, by completing studies in a foreign language, becoming a tutor for foreign students, taking online classes, or participating in activities of international organisations.

Table of contents

Courses and study modules in foreign languages

All faculties offer studies in English , and students of JYU as well as international students have the opportunity to participate in these courses. You can either choose individual courses or apply to international master's programmes after completing your Bachelor's degree. 

Courses for exchange studentsInternational master's degree programmes

International research groups

You can gain invaluable international experience through research groups by joining them through your department or faculty. At the same time, you can create networks in your own field. For more information about research groups, contact the teacher responsible for your field of study. 

Language and Culture courses at Movi

Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication (Movi) offers students language studies in many languages as well as language and culture study modules. Movi prepares you for today’s working life, in which versatile communication and language skills are essential. These are also skills you will need during your studies.  See the communication and language courses that Movi offers for all students. 

Movi's communication and language courses

You can also learn languages informally with other students at the university. The idea behind the Each One Teach One (EOTO) -the programme is that you can teach a language you know well to a student from another country, and the student can teach you their native language. You can earn ECTS credit by participating in the EOTO programme. 

Each One Teach One programme page

Nowadays, in almost every field, it is necessary to know how to act and work in multilingual and multicultural environments, while appreciating others and building common understanding. Academic experts are expected to have flexibility and multilingual interaction skills. You can develop this expertise at Movi.

Courses at Movi related to multilingualism and intercultural communication

Certificate in Multilingual Intercultural Competence

Multilingual Intercultural Competence (MIC) offers degree and exchange students at the University of Jyväskylä the chance to invest in the development of their internationalization capabilities and demonstrate their competence. 

MIC is a certificate of studies placed in different parts of the student's degree, which in one way or another strengthens the student's cultural competence and internationalization capabilities. MIC combines studies completed in the form of courses run by the University of Jyväskylä’s Centre for Multilingual Academic Communication (Movi), in subject departments and as an exchange student, for instance. 

Certificate on Multilingual Intercultural Competence

Distance learning

Many higher education institutions offer lectures online (MOOC = Massive Open Online Course). Entire study modules, courses, and degrees can be completed remotely. However, it is important to do background research on the education provider before committing to paid online studies. The Digital Academy of the FORTHEM alliance, of which the University of Jyväskylä is a member, offers language studies, MOOCs, and other various online courses. It is possible to include completed studies as part of your studies. You can log in to FORTHEM Digital Academy through your university's Moodle.

FORTHEM Digital Academy 


Kaksi kv-tutoria matkakeskuksella
Two international tutors

International tutoring for exchange and visiting students

Acting as a tutor for international exchange and visiting students is an excellent way to establish contact with students (in your field) from all over the globe, improve language skills, and gain experience in guiding a multicultural group. Applications for the position of international tutor are submitted twice a year and all tutors receive training. Students who have studied at least 1 year at JYU can apply to become international tutors. You can earn 2 credits working as a tutor. 

For questions and more information you can contact the international tutoring team. E-mail:


International degree tutoring

Acting as a tutor for international degree students is an excellent way to establish contact with students in your degree programme from all over the globe, improve language skills, and gain experience in guiding a multicultural group. Applications for the position of degree-tutor are submitted once a year and all tutors receive training. Students who have studied at least 1 year at JYU can apply to become degree tutors. You can earn 2 credits for the first time you work as a degree tutor. 


International organizations

Erasmus Student Network

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) organizes various activities such as trips, excursions, and theme nights for Finnish and international students. As an active member of the organisation, you get to work in an international group and get to know international students through diverse activities.

 ESN Jyväskylä

International Degree Student Community

IDESCO gives the international degree student community a voice. IDESCO organizes events for International and Finnish students to connect and mediate with International students in various situations.



AIESEC provides opportunities for international cooperation and networking on your home campus. It is also possible to do an internship abroad through AIESEC.

AIESEC Jyväskylä

Volunteer work 

Multicultural Center Gloria

You can do volunteer work in Jyväskylä, for example, at Gloria. In Gloria you can:

  • Work as a language guide in language groups
  • Work as a friend, who takes care of children in family groups
  • Organize sports and physical activities
  • As a cook who cooks food
  • Become a team member, who plans and develops operations 

Multicultural Center Gloria

Paremmin Yhdessä ry

At Paremmin Yhdessä ry, you can for example take part in multicultural buddy activities, offer support for adult immigrants in studying and homework and assist in learning Finnish.  

 Paremmin Yhdessä ry

Red Cross

At Red Cross, you can for example support immigrants in integrating in Finland.

 Red Cross